Frank O'Connell-home


  • Juris Doctorate, Western State University College of Law, 1976

  • Bachelor of Science in Education, Worcester State College, 1969


1979 - 83: California Real Estate Broker

1978 - 81: Evenings Instructor at MPC-Marina location

1969 - 73: Elementary school teacher

1978-2005: Legal counsel to Mty. Columbian Fed'l Credit Union

Private law practice, Monterey, CA (since 1978-retired 2014)

California Community College - Lifetime teaching credential in real estate and law (since 1979)


  1. Marina City Councilman-2008-2020

  2. Mayor Pro Tem-Jan. 2011-December 2016

  3. Fort Ord Reuse Authority Board-City Representative-1/2011-present

  4. Fort Ord Reuse Authority Board-Chair- 2015-Jan. 2017

  5. Fort Ord Reuse Executive Committee-1/2011-present

  6. Fort Ord Legislative Committee-1/2011-present

  7. Monterey Salinas Transit Board-1/2011-present

  8. Monterey Salinas Transit Finance Committee member 2/2011 - present

  9. Monterey Salinas Facilities Committee member 2/2011-present

  10. Oversight Board member 2/7/2012

  11. Member of Board-Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)- 2008-1/2011

  12. Member of Board-Community Human Services- 2008-1/2011

  13. Member of Board-Access Monterey Peninsula Television- 2008-1/2011

  14. Alternate to FORA Board-2008-1/2011

  15. City representative to joint commission with Marina Coast Water District-Sept. 2010-1/2011

  16. Mayor's representative to Community Restorative Justice Commission- Aug. 2010-July 2011

  17. Board of Supervisor's appointment as the Business representative to Community Restorative Justice Commission- July 2011

  18. Community Human Services Board-Alternate-1/11 to present

  19. Transportation Agency of Mty. Cty.(TAMC)-alternate-1/2011 to present

  20. Mty. Peninsula Unified School District Governance Council-alternate-1/2011

  21. City Council liaison to Planning Commission-1/2011 to 2016

  22. City Council liaison to Public Works Commission-2008-1/2011

  23. City Council liaison to Economic Development Commission 2019-present

  24. Chairman to City Ad Hoc Budget Committee-2010

  25. Chairman of Ad Hoc Marina Equestion Center Committee-2011

  26. Council representative to Ad Hoc CalPers Committee-2011

  27. Chairman of the fund drive for the Gateway Center and Special Olympics of the Monterey Peninsula, Council 1465 ( 1988-2008)

  28. Chairman of local holiday food drive, Council 1465 (1985-2008)

  29. Marina Homeowner and Resident (since 1980)

  30. Role model as a father to two daughters (since 1979)

  31. Member of the Knights of Columbus, Council 1465 (since 1977)

  32. Marina Planning Commission 2007-08

  33. Alternate to Marina Design Review Board 2007-08

  34. Board of Directors-Mutual Water Company-Calaveras County-1994-2008

  35. Board of Director-Calaveras Homeowners' Association-1987-2008

  36. 1991 - 95: President of the Calaveras County Homeowners Association

  37. 1985: Co-Chairman of Knights of Columbus, California State Convention in Monterey

I promise you that there will continue to be:

1. A more open, and fully accountable city government that will continue to disclose to you all of the reasons for the decisions made.

2. A full disclosure of all documents, records, discussions and positions, that are not of a privileged nature, prior to the council vote.

3. A full opportunity for you to express yourself at all council meetings even if it takes more than the present three minute limitation.

4. A direct, specific and concise addressing of your concerns that will include, where necessary, the documents necessary to provide a complete answer.